
Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Well this is one of my project ..
Well if you see , actually there are 2 of my project.. okay still have two paper, one poster, one powerpoint and some of final exams..
Stay strong :))
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Little desperate, almost give up

Well it's complicated life for me right now.
As i tell you before i'm one of architecture's student in one of university..
Well the problem is i've not found yet my passion in this subject..
I always change my mind in everytime i've problem with the project and i've thought to stop to study this subject but..
Everytime i try to give up, in this time i always remember my mom, dad, and everyone that really have important part in my life.
I can't dissapointed them..
Well i know, i lost my time to play around with my friends . Got lots preassure in my mind to think about make others dissapointed..
I try to make my life comfortable but i can't

Sometimes i'm happy study here but sometimes it makes me really dizzy to think about this..

I always say to my heart i'll try to stay strong here, try to find my passion until i don't have any reason to stay anymore..

And i'll try to make my life happier.. what i need right now is support.. i don't want to dissapointed anyone and i still want to fight in this subject i wanna be one of impossible to be im.possible :))

try to motivated your life and make fun of eberything you do .. hope it'll work on me :))

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

2nd project on 3rd class

Well i'm on my work for college.
Fyi i'm on class architecture and this is my 2nd year.
My lovely work for now is restaurant !

Well i try to find out what kind of restaurant that i should design.
This is for adult, family, or younger or even couple …
for this restaurant i should choose my superiority.
For whom i'm going to design it.
What kind of superiority that can make my "targets" come to this restaurant ..
It's really stuck on my head.
i've not found any ideas until now.
But sure i'll find it soon..

Any ideas what kind of restaurant that i should design? Comment if you have any suggestion ~

Cal cayo :))

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beauty opinion

well many girls in this world wanna hear from someone that they're beautiful :))
i know all of the girls are beautiful~
but i've my opinion about beauty things.

Hair and eyes really important for this beauty's parts.
they can tell people around them when girls look down or cheerful.
and cheerful one will lead to beauty's aura out from your face~

and you can make your eyes more pretty with eyeliner or anything.
for myself, i'd love to use eyeliner. Using them make my eyes more gorgeous and rockss LOL
 see this up one :))
both are my eyes (scary enough LOL)
but if you really see on it, both look different. one is rockss and the others looks tired :))
and i've my style kinda bit rocks and it makes my eyes looks bit small ~

you can see this one. haha. my expression and all those eyes look good enough for me :))

and this one with sad expression and my eyeliners are really helping to make my eyes look smaller. ahh and i tie my hair. look more calmly than upper photo right :)

well, i have big round eyes.
it's not like 'i don't like big eyes'
i just more love small ones :))
because i'm proud to be asian ~ (y)

well just try it.
try to do experiment eith your eyes and hair, you'll see what kind of style that really fit you :D

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My new necklace

Yay i wanna share my new necklace. Kawaii and vintage color ~
It's camera model and so cute :3

for your info i really love to wear necklaces and bracelets because both are simple to use and awesome :))

this is my new necklace :*

Well if anyone want necklace like this all of you can mail me at
I'll post the others and PO for all of you :))

mail me :D

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Viva la vida RED VELVET :9

Hmm looks yummy right?
well me and my friends bought and eat it this year but i forgot the date.

We wanna try new cakes cafe on Yogyakarta called Chez Moi

Well i bought this one. Yummy.
It was red velvet with strawberry on it :9

greaat time. It was delicious. Not really sweet just perfect yummy :))

the price was not too high. Just standart of this piece of cake. Only about 16K rupiah.

And for the drink, i bought something sweet chocolate (forgot sorry :p)

but overall WORTH IT ! Try it on Yogyakarta .
Still many of these place on this lovely city

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Art when you are bored

Yep it's one of my art that i drew while i was waiting for my cans in studio.
It's only use standart pen and this art is not that good enough. But i really like this. And i tried many times to take this picture of work until i found great angle to get it perfectly.
I'm just sharing . Well you can share your own art to me and we will see how we can appreciate each other works :))

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last 28 OCT is my birthday.
And it's my first time after many year s i don't get a surprise things..
All of this thanks to my friends on college..
Even there was someone who wasn't greet me and congratulation me on that day i still try to believe it was my beautiful day.
(I bet this guy is forget until now about my birthday)

i got cute little thing which we call it cakes
Well it was not only birthday present for me, but for my friend who was born on 27 oct and my
Cans who was born on 29 oct.

Well it was special memorable time with all the guys on college.
Thanks a lot to my friends and thanks to someone who gave me a gift :))

Happy november to all ~

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jadikan Malammu Bermanfaat, Awali Esok Hari Menyenangkan

Tentunya kita ingin saat membuka mata di pagi hari kulit yang biasanya kering dan kusam terlihat lebih cantik dan fresh agar senyuman terpancar dari wajah kita, karena senyuman di pagi hari akan membuat hari-harimu lebih menyenangkan. Untuk membuat hal itu terjadi, tidaklah susah.

Perawatan kulit di siang hari sudah sering kita dengar sebelum berpergian dengan memakai body lotion agar kulit terlindungi dari sinar UV matahari dan polusi udara yang sangat pekat apalagi di siang hari. Setelah seharian di luar dengan aktivitas yang melelahkan, malam hari dengan keadaan cuaca yang semilir memang tepat untuk beristirahat. Tapi sebelum tidur alangkah lebih baik lagi jika kamu kembali melihat keadaan kulit kamu yang juga butuh istirahat dengan regenerasi di malam hari.

Manjakanlah kulitmu agar dapat beristirahat dan memperindah dirimu dengan perawatan kulit tubuh malam hari, salah satunya dengan produk citra yang terbaru yaitu Citra Night Whitening.

Dengan bahan alaminya yaitu mulberry yang kaya vitamin C nya berguna dalam melambatkan proses penuaan dan meremajakan kulit membuat kulit terlihat lebih putih bersinar dan tak lupa juga minyak biji anggur yang memiliki kandungan antioksidan yang dapat melawan radikal bebas 20x lebih efektif dari vitamin C dan 50x lebih kuat dibanding vitamin E dapat digunakan sebagai pencegah dari efek negatif matahari dan polusi di siang hari yang dapat menyebabkan kanker selain itu dapat mengencangkan kulit sehingga tampak lebih muda.

Hal ini nggak sekedar omong belaka, sebagai blogger disini, saya ingin mengajak pembaca blog untuk mencoba merawat kulit indahnya berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah saya dapatkan.

Selain untuk kulit, ada pula efek lain yang didapatkan dari penggunaan body lotion keluaran terbaru rumah cantik citra ini. Sebagai info tambahan bagi para insomnia seperti saya yang sukar sekali tidur apalagi karena sering begadang, wangi dari Citra Night Whitening ini dapat menenangkan hati karena memang mulberry berguna untuk membantu kita para insomniers bisa tidur dengan tenang~

Untuk info lebih lanjut para pembaca bisa kunjungi web rumah cantik citra.

Pilihan ada di tangan kalian. Bantu kulitmu, percantik dirimu, berikan kesegaran untuk awali pagi harimu :)
Saya sudah buktikan giliran kalian para pembaca yang setia untuk buktikan khasiat Citra yang memberikan senyuman indah di hari-harimu. Serta jangan lupa share pengalamanmu di blog pribadimu siapa tahu kalian bisa beruntung memenangkan hadiah menariknya.

Bukan sekedar berkata-kata. Referensi bisa dilihat di :

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

oh it's tuesday already. stop girl !

oh it's tuesday..
i'm sorry ibreak the promise that i'll tell you more about ukiss..

well their comeback with stop girl bring this new concept into gentle and handsome u-kiss.
you can see how their hair look more confident and manly appearance.

in this comeback, we can see there are 2 m/v stop girl.
on black and white version or colour version.

in colour version we can look that eli has the different gently inside lol
his jair is brightly yellow and it's awesome ~

Monday, September 24, 2012

new post after i wake up from my long sleep lol

goddammit, good morning for everyone ~ happy monday-ing~
long time no see..
well i've not update my blog recently because of my schedule and my bunch of works~
well later i'll share more about u-kiss new updates.
it's about their comeback lately with this new awesome song called "STOP GIRL"

talking about stop girl, this new song only have 6 members to perform in comeback.
well if you are kissmes, you will know that AJ has been accepted in columbia university and study in there..
*we miss you AJ* T T

so next i'll show you how awesome they are in this new season of their comeback.
i'll be back soon er... after i finish all my stuff and study's schedule this monday~
see ya

Monday, June 4, 2012

introduce : me XD

hello guys, are you still there?
long time no see and long time i wasn't up here to entry the news well,
anyway i want to share about myself first (am i already introduce you or not?) hahaha

hello there is my biodata name : rinko sarah (this is my maya's name)
age : well prefer not telling ;p hahaha
race : indonesian, half chinesse but not really look like chinesse sometimes i don't think i've this race ._.
right now i'm in college in architecture major at Gadjah Mada University

i'm an architecture student, cosplayer, and also dancer (specially cover dancer)
i've lots of hobbies and likes to do some FUN
my favorite ultimate bias is Kiseop ullzzang and also Ukiss's member
my favorite girls are suzy miss A, Jiyeon T-ara, and also YUI singer from japan
my favorite band is FT Island , cool rock band..

maybe that's A Little Things Called Rinko LOl and nice to see you,
lemme know you too
share your profile, K ? ;)) here some photos, loves ya guys <3
 my other self ;P
respon back if you wanna be my friends ;)